Christopher Brown, MD, PhD
Selected Publications
Saito K, Mishra S, Warrier T, Cicchetti N, Mi J, Weber E, Jiang X, Roberts J, Gouzy A, Kaplan E, Brown CD, Gold B, Nathan C. Oxidative damage and delayed replication allow viable Mycobacterium tuberculosis to go undetected. Science translational medicine 2021, Nov 24;13(621):eabg2612 doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.abg2612
Rendeiro AF, Casano J, Vorkas CK, Singh H, Morales A, DeSimone R, Ellsworth G, Soave R, Kapadia SN, Saito K, Brown CD, Hsu J, Kyriakides C, Chiu S, Cappelli L, Cacciapuoti M, Tam W, Galluzzi L, Simonson PD, Elemento O, Salvatore M, Inghirami G, Profiling of immune dysfunction in COVID-19 patients allows early prediction of disease progression. Life Science Alliance 2021,4 (2), e202000955.
Brown CD, Rusek MS and Kiessling LL. Fluorosugar chain termination agents as probes of the sequence specificity of the carbohydrate polymerase GlfT2. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134(15), 6552 – 6555
May JF, Levengood MR, Splain RA, Brown CD, Kiessling LL. A processive carbohydrate polymerase that mediates bifunctional catalysis using a single active site. Biochemistry. 2012, 51(6) 1148 – 1159.