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Cornell Center for Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education Postdoctoral Seed Grant Program Request for Proposals

Key Dates

  • January 30: LOI submissions due by 5:00 P.M. ET
  • February 6: LOI feedback returned to applicants
  • March 1: Full Proposals due by 5:00 P.M. ET
  • April 1: Funding decisions announced
  • May 1: Funds become available
  • June 30, 2024: Latest project start date


The Cornell Center for Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Education (CCARRE) is seeking competitive proposals from postdoctoral fellows or research associates for research projects that are broadly relevant to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and have achievable and impactful one-year goals.  The aim of this funding program is to nucleate research that will specifically facilitate the transition to independence through a K99, K01, K22, R21 or equivalent extramural career development award or fellowship. Projects must be distinct from those of the sponsoring lab, but have the endorsement of the PI. The science can be either basic or applied but should have clear impact with concretely demonstrable and predefined endpoints.


Proposals that include the following will be favored:

  • Clear focus on a relevant AMR problem
  • Concretely defined specific aims and timelines
  • Clearly defined mentorship plan and statement of commitment to trainee independence from sponsoring PI
  • Clearly defined plan for transition to independence and outline of future research program
  • Where relevant, projects demonstrating inter- or cross-campus collaboration


We expect to award  up to three one-year project grants of up to $25,000 each.

Guidelines for Letter of Intent (LOI) Submissions

Letters of intent are required from the principal investigator in advance of submitting a proposal. LOI reviews are intended to result in stronger proposals rather than to exclude any projects from advancing to the proposal stage.

Please submit your letter before 5:00 P.M. ET on January 30. LOI sections include:

  1. PI and collaborator names, titles, and affiliations
  2. Project title (up to 150 characters)
  3. Description of the central challenge you aim to address through this project (up to 1,200 characters with spaces)
  4. Description of project aims, rationale, activities, milestones, and potential for future extramural funding of this project (up to 1,200 characters with spaces)
  5. Letter of support from sponsoring PI
  6. Email to: Craig Altier and Kyu Rhee

Proposal Submission Requirements

Please submit your proposal before 5:00 P.M. ET on March 1.  The proposal must include the following elements:

    • For PI/PD and sponsoring faculty member
  • SPECIFIC AIMS (limited to 1 page)
  • RESEARCH STRATEGY (limited to 3 pages)
    • Significance: How does the project address an important AMR problem?
    • Innovation: Does the project utilize novel concepts or approaches?
    • Approach:
      • What strategy, methodology, analyses and controls will be used?
      • What is the justification for these approaches?
      • What are the pitfalls and alternatives?
    • Timeline and Plans for Future Funding and Transition to Independence: How can this work be completed and extended through future extramural funding? What is the timeline for transitioning to independence and, if applicable, outline of future research program
  • SPONSORING PI LETTER OF SUPORT (no page limit); see RFA for details of content
  • REFERENCES (no page limit)
  • BUDGET JUSTIFICATION (no page limit)
    • Use template: 2024 CCARRE Budget Template
    • Proposers may request funding up to $50K (direct costs at Cornell) for one year.
    • Funds may be used for personnel (excluding faculty salary), reagents and supplies, and travel.

Proposal Format and Submission

  • Submit via email a single PDF file containing the Biosketches, Specific Aims, Research Strategy, References, and Budget Justification, along with the Budget using the Excel budget spreadsheet.  Email to: Craig Altier and Kyu Rhee

Review Process

  • Applications will be subject to review by non-conflicted members of the CCARRE Steering Committee.
  • Applications will be ranked from 1 to 9 using the NIH scoring system.
  • Applications with the lowest total average score will be recommended for funding in order from the lowest total score to the highest total score, up to the level permitted by the budget.
  • Given the 12-month timeframe for the funding, we envision that funding of post-doctoral scientists and graduate students will be limited to those currently employed, rather than recruiting new personnel.
  • Funds will be available on May 1; all activities must commence by June 30, 2024Project duration may not exceed 12 months.

Project Selection Criteria

The review committee will evaluate the proposals based on the following criteria:

  • Intellectual merit and significance to AMR
  • Conceptual and/or technical innovation
  • Strength of the investigative team
  • Research Approaches
  • Budget
  • Likelihood of potential for external funding and transition to independence
  • Overall impact

Awardee Responsibilities

Successful project PIs who receive funding are required to:

  • Submit a final report
  • Alert CCAREE of publications arising from the funded research
  • Acknowledge funding from CCARRE in all project outputs

More Information

If you have follow-up questions, contact: